Getting Grounded By Training The Brain Day 8- Kilali and Jayla

Sara and Blake's sand mandala For day 8 of this J-term, we continued on with the regular schedule of yoga, meditations, and creative projects. This is unfortunately one of our last days of J-term, so Dr. Reece has surprised us with a little sort of closing activity. As usual, we started off our day with our daily meditation to get us ready and present for the rest of the day’s activities. stretch. It also allowed some time to do personal reflection and work on really being present in the moment. We then went to our daily yoga practice although this one was very different from our usual practices. We practiced Yin yoga today and usually we do it differently forms of Yang yoga. In Yin yoga you hold yoga poses for extended periods of time. In our practice we held them for about minutes each. We did poses like child's pose, dragons pose, cobra and many more. I personally really enjoyed this Yin yoga practice because it allowed me time to really get into S...