Get Grounded By Training the Brain, Day 3
By Kilali and Evan
Jayla's metta stone |
We started off the day by having Dr. Reese join us on the zoom call and walked us through some meditative movements, yoga, and a great group discussion about what it really means to meditate, about last night's reading, and much more. We then as a class got to have our first J-Term seminar! It was super interesting and very enlightening to see all the different points of view from people throughout the class, how they interpreted the reading, their thought process throughout the article, and what it made them think of.
In-Person students in the first seminar |
I really enjoyed how the entire class came together to trade ideas we all had about the reading, like how emotions are deserving of validation, to listen to other’s problems, and to have empathy for others. We also learned about what it is to have empathy for others. Dr. Reese told a lot about how to have sympathy in situations where it may be needed. Dr. Reese asked some great questions, and one of my favorite points she made was when comforting someone when being compassionate towards another person, you should not only validate their emotions but also guide them through the rough patch they're in. Instead of saying “don't cry” say something constructive, like “it's okay to cry” or “we’re all new to this” which I really appreciated, and was great to hear, especially from such a supportive voice.
Blake working on his Metta Stone |
Right after lunch we started on a super interesting creative project, called Metta-stone arts. This ties into a separate section of creative mindfulness, something that many different people in today's society would benefit greatly from utilizing. We had a chance to draw intricate Mandala designs onto stones, and after everyone put in the hard work needed to get some beautiful outcomes, everyone’s turned out really beautiful, and they were all so different, from the color palettes to the art style. Everyone's different personalities and skills were projected into their pieces, which was very interesting to see! I got the chance to finish up two Metta Stones, both of them with similar techniques, yet different outcomes. I really enjoyed the process because it was super relaxing, and allowed me to do something creative in my day, which I love to try and fit in every day.
After that, the class had one last group meditation for the day, Shavasana, before signing off in the afternoon with great weather at 3:30, a great opportunity to finish a mandala outside. A very productive day for sure!
End of day meditation or Shavasana
Dr. Reese on zoom call during group discussion |
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