Getting Grounded by the Brain Blog Day Six, Ryan and Alice

 Each day we do different types of yoga at the beginning of and throughout the day. Today, we did many new yoga poses and meditation. We focused on moving our bodies and paying attention to our breath. followed by a seminar to review our reading. We talked about the Seven Chakras and Hatha yoga, also implementing the seven chakras in our yoga. The experience of doing yoga with classmates is bonding.

<This is how some of the students mandalas turned out

Today we made sand mandalas, showing the cycle of life by creating something beautiful, just to destroy it in the end. The mandalas ended up looking very beautiful and detailed. The moral of mandalas is about how things can come and go quickly, just like sand is pulled into the ocean by an ocean wave, or someone close that we love must go, but we have to move on. They may be gone, but we will remember the memories we had making them. 

Each day we do different types of yoga at the beginning of and throughout the day. Today, we did many new yoga poses and meditation. We focused on moving our bodies and paying attention to our breath. followed by a seminar to review our reading. We talked about the Seven Chakras and Hatha yoga, also implementing the seven chakras in our yoga. The experience of doing yoga with classmates is bonding.At the end of the day, we all made sticky notes full of kind words. We first wrote kind words to Ms. Novak’s. We then tried to be sneaky and put the notes on her computer as a surprise. We almost got caught when she walked in while Dr. Reese was talking about the plan! Ms. Novak was really surprised to see all these, and it most likely made her really happy. Then, we all made sticky notes for Ms. Davis, a kind person who is usually at the front desk when we walk into the school. We had only three people go so it would not be suspicious, with one person being the distraction and two placing the notes quickly. Soon after, Ms. Davis came to the classroom saying how thankful she was for this! We must have made her day for sure. We also made sticky notes for Ms. Joyce, head of school. She has worked hard every day, including during the summer, just to make in-person learning possible. We haven’t seen her reaction to her sticky notes yet, but we know she will be happy.

^This is how students participate in morning yoga

To end the day off, Dr. Reese led the daily Shavasana. This is when students lay on the yoga mat in a comfortable position and either listen to some music or participate in a mediation. Some comfortable positions include a yoga block under your body or simply just laying down. This is a great way that students can recharge at the end of a school day.

^This is a student creating a sand mandalas

^Here you can see the mandalas getting peacefully taken apart

<This is another sand mandala creation

^You can see some of the online students hard at work!


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